
 Agritourism and Agritainment

Building a healthy, viable local food system that spans from farm to table is a comprehensive endeavor that requires strategic partners and a plan for sustainability and expansion well beyond the initiation of the project. Through Local First Arizona programming, community food partners are engaged in conversations and activities that help build the capacity of local producers, build awareness for the value of locally grown foods, and enhance the ability for residents to engage in a local marketplace.

Strengthen Community Identities, Local Food Systems, and Regional Economies

Agritourism and agritainment are ways in which individual farms, farming communities, and agricultural regions can diversify and strengthen their revenue streams, generate buzz in their communities, and build positive momentum for systems change. The terms agritainment and agritourism pertain to activities that support an agricultural operation in bringing members of the community to the business for educational, recreational, or retail purposes. 

Popular and successful examples of these types of activities include: 

  • Weddings and events 

  • On-farm training and programs

  • Children and school activities that educate younger generations about where food comes from

  • Hosting overnight guests through a bed and breakfast model.  

  • Farm tours and activities

  • U-pick orchards, patches, and gardens

  • Farm to table dinners

Centering Community Around Food

When farms engage in agritainment, there are many positive outcomes directly for the farm or ranch and indirectly for the community and food system. Farmers see increased income and secondary spending occurs in the surrounding communities. Visitors to these farms and ranches indicate a willingness to pay a price equal to or more than what they would pay for the same or similar products in conventional outlets. 

Agritourism offerings help to educate visitors about local agricultural practices and preserving agriculture heritage. In addition, it creates more jobs and labor options for the local residents of the area.  It also helps connect people with the source of their foods, creating a sense of place for local and regional ingredients.   

Agri-Hotspots Around the State Doing Agritourism Well

Agritainment Friendly Businesses

Are you a town or city in Arizona looking to create a food community or to learn more about becoming an agritourism destination? Get in touch with us to see if we can assist. Send us an email at